Editor, Co-founder, The Double Negative

Criticism | Editorial | Commissioning | Publishing

December 2011 – Present

Online journal of arts criticism and cultural commentary: ︎︎︎ thedoublenegative.co.uk.

  • Established, co-founded in 2011 with Laura Robertson.
  • Contemporary, independent arts and culture criticism with a commitment to platforming Northern UK writers and artists.
  • Content includes features, reviews, interviews, previews across arts, design, film, music, field trips, playlists, culture diary.
  • Overseeing the production of written content to ensure all copy commissioned or written in house maintains consistency with TDN tone of voice. 
  • Supporting and contributing to the content creation for online and print. 
  • Copywriting and commissioning of digital/print copy and articles connected to sponsored and branded projects. 
  • Fostering relationships with key institutions across the North of England, including Liverpool Biennial, Tate and FACT.
  • Programming of public-facing events, including The Medium is the Medium, a conference on arts criticism in light of the post-internet landscape, writing workshops and film screenings.

Like to work with me?

Email: mike@thedoublenegative.co.uk
Call: +44(0)7972528942
︎︎︎ thedoublenegative.co.uk
︎︎︎ threads @doublenegativem
︎︎︎ instagram @doublenegativem
Tuesday Oct 5 2021